Camber Sands !
Created by Nick one year ago
There have been many many beautiful tributes to this man, this legend, at this sad time. Having worked with Len along with Sue and my Mum for many years at the Camber Sands Freestyle and Ballroom and Latin events you can see why he was snapped up by the BBC. Always got the job done in a way people loved, his humour, wit and even grumpiness made those weekends magic for the thousands upon thousands who attended over the years . Who remembers “ Mr Buckle “ ? Those amazing Saturday night fancy dress parties - those incredible team shows - Dr Who ? - well done Grafty Dance School every year . The Sunday night finals , the judges who pleaded to come and didn’t mind going to reception covered in soap suds because the oven had kicked in and took out the power to the bathroom . We all have those memories - those great times . It was so touching that at our mothers funeral, Mark had written the eulogy , Len offered to read it and for those of you that were there , soon were in fits of laughter - it got changed “ slightly “ and for some reason even mentioned the current , at the time , horse meat scandal. He didn’t have to read it , the vicar would have done it of course, after all he was a celebrity by then - but no , he was Len. I feel privileged that he’s been part of my life , of our families life. Love goes to all those he’s left behind - Thank you Len for those great times loved by so many . Now rest X
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